Vicki Wood
Attachment Focus
I have always enjoyed working with Vicki. She is highly experienced and committed to the families she is supporting. I have always valued her knowledge and clear thinking. Vicki has an ability to look at the big picture and quickly get to the heart of the matter
Dr Kim Golding
I’ve worked with Vicki for a number of years providing training to foster carers, residential carers, health visitors and school health nurses, and have always found her to be very professional, well prepared and knowledgeable. She has a real skill of delivering the required material in a fun and engaging way, tailoring the sessions to the needs and experience of the specific groups, ensuring its relevance and invariably making us all laugh! Vicki always projects positivity and professionalism and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending her as a trainer.
Named Nurse for Looked After Children
The work around trauma made me think again about some children on my caseload and the ease at which we forget about the impact of trauma
Health Visitor
Excellent day, extremely informative. Particularly benefited from Attachment/ developmental impact upon behaviour
School Health Nurse
Trainers were warm and inclusive – provided very relevant information which can be used to help children in our care. Very thought provoking
Foster Carer
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Vicki for nearly seven years. Vicki has known me as a residential support worker, who would pick up the phone and ask for advice when my gut didn’t feel right about something! At this point, Vicki and I would talk things through and normally this led to...
“I think you should try validating the child’s feelings, not reassuring.”
Something so simple, yet I had never done it before. No surprise, it worked!
Our journey didn’t end there. As I got promoted up the ranks, the support became more and more personal until I became Manager. Vicki emotionally supported me when others thought some of my ideas were crazy. She always nudged me in the right direction, with pure honesty and that I will always be grateful for.
It ended up that Vicki and I would facilitate nurturing attachment groups together for residential support workers. Which was brilliant and opened many professionals’ eyes to parenting with two hands.
All I know is, I wouldn’t be studying to be a clinical psychologist if it wasn’t for her.
Children's Home Manager